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We fucked in stairwells, balcony's, woods, bathrooms, construction sites, alleys, in the back of a buddy's van. When we were ready to slam it hard again, we found and put on our shorts, got in his car and as we were driving off I once again pulled out his cock and balls to enjoy on the ride back to his place. Needless to say, I had my ass filled more than once and my face filled almost as much. Anyone who's ever cruised a park after dark knows what happens. It was so dark that we could only see silhouettes of anyone walking toward us. Once we parked his car we put on our very loose fitting shorts, locked up the car and went for a walk on a trail. I was pleasing/groping myself with my free hand. I was sucking on his cock and licking his balls almost the entire way there. Got into his car, stripped and drove to the nearest cruise park. Dirtiest deed on meth slamming with another guy into outdoor excursions.

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